Endpointer Tuning

You can control the endpointer tuning parameters that are configured for certain telephony environments when using an external first-pass detector, that is, the telephony hardware’s energy detector. You can allow the telephony hardware to detect energy levels that indicate, for example, silence or bargein; the telephony hardware will pass the appropriate audio to the speech recognizer.

By default, the Vocalocity Voice Browser uses an external firstpass detector. Edit the vocalos-node.xml file and set the useEndpointerTuning parameter to:

u False – to turn off external firstpass detection and use OSR for energy detection. This sets the OSR Endpointer runtime property swiep_external_firstpass to "0".

u True (the default) – to turn on external firstpass detection and use the CSP tuning parameters for energy detection. This sets the OSR Endpointer runtime property swiep_external_firstpass to "1".

The following example shows how to turn off CSP tuning (set to "false").

<node name="vocalos:type=RecoManager,vendor=SpeechWorks">


<entry key="extensionPoint" value="net.vocalocity.speechworks.osr.extension.OSRExtensionPoint"/>


<node name="OSRSession">


<entry key="autoStartServer" value="true"/>

<entry key="autoSelfTestCheck" value="false"/>

<entry key="useEndpointerTuning" value="false"/>

